Friday, 23 January 2015

Boost your Immunity -- Keep flu at bay:

As January comes to an end, the weather still remains grey and cold. A few more days and Spring, the weather of bright sun, blossoming flowers and fresh breeze will set in.  This changing weather and fresh pollen in the air can put all of us at the risks of infections.  Before you catch the common flu, run down with fever, rush to the physician… and end up popping some antibiotics, painkillers et al ... it is always better to think of prevention.
Prevention of infections is a play of your immunity levels. These immunity levels are to a large extent dependent on your age, physical fitness and the medical condition.  It is a common knowledge that immunity levels can be changed by your lifestyle.  While increasing the inherent immunity can help you to sail through the weather changes without compromising on your health, reduced immunity can be a spoiler in our daily routines. The Right food….can increase immunity and help you live fully without missing out on the Fun part of life!! In the modern day lifestyle, it definitely takes more than an apple a day to keep the doctors away.  Eating the right nutrients helps the immune system to remain on guard. Eat well and splurge on foods that contain loads of antioxidants.
Antioxidants are essential for proper functioning of the immune system, as they act as scavengers of the free radicals in cells and therefore promote our immunity. Antioxidants in food can be found in vitamins, minerals, enzymes or in plant derived nutrients called phytonutrients.
The essential vitamins like Vitamin C and Vitamin E are potent antioxidants and they are present all around us.  Vitamin C is available in oranges, guava, amla, green peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower, asparagus and berries, while Vitamin E is present in sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, and vegetable oils. The other sources of Antioxidants called Phytonutrients  such as flavonoids and  carotenoids  are  grapes, papaya, melons, blackberries, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, red peppers, oranges and dark green vegetables. These phytonutrients can do wonders for your immunity. Apart from these a variety of nuts, whole grain cereals and legumes, green tea, yoghurt, red wine and herbs are rich sources of natural antioxidants. What is essential is to have a  mix of all these foods  in  the right quantity along with an active lifestyle.
So go ahead brave the chill, breathe the fresh air and enjoy the sun. Just ensure that your body and immunity run smoothly by rounding out your plate with plenty of colorful servings of fruits and veggies, nuts and whole grains. Remember to keep yourself hydrated, as all immune and metabolic reactions occur in an aqueous medium. Keep drinking lots of water and keep the germs away….Say no to infection with a happy and healthy immune system.

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