Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Fun, Food, family and Celebration!!

Rejoice!! It’s the time of the year for celebration. With Christmas and New Year around the corner, the celebrations bring with it a plethora of good times and YUMMY TREATS. 

 As you get together with your friends and family and splurge on delicious cuisine and heavenly desserts, all the festivities and parties can prove to be a disaster for your waistlines. Our diaries and our minds are packed in catching up with friends over food and drinks. There are three major factors that can lead to overindulgence - the all encompassing party spirit, the proximity to high-calorie food, and the availability of alcohol. And with all that, eating and drinking in moderation goes out of the window. You tend to lose control on rational thinking and your perception of food and its portions change. Come January and you have gained excess weight.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Are Packed Fruit Juices Healthy?

Looking for a healthy snack, easy to consume, readily available…..the advertisements suggests to go ahead and grab a packed fruit juice…….. a convenient, portable, branded ready to consume healthy drink.
A word of Caution…Fruit Juice may sound as the perfect alternative to a fresh fruit but they are far from one!!

Fruits are an important part of a balanced meal. However, more and more people are thinking that packaged fruit juices and drinks are a substitute for fruits. These packaged products are blanketing the market with advertisements and are finding their way into our homes very quickly. The so called fruit juices available in tetrapaks and glass bottles have a fruit sounding name or a fruity logo, but seldom contain 100% fruit juice.
They are always made with artificial flavours and have added synthetic sugars.

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Winter Dessert Gazak:

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home. The cold breeze and the low temperatures spice up your appetite and there is always an urge to pop something sweet, to provide warmth and energy. The humble gazak is your way to get the sweetness with the nutrients minus the empty calories.
Gazak is a combination of goodness of Jaggery and Sesame seeds alongwith benefits of Desi ghee.

Jaggery, a store house of energy is digested and absorbed gradually releasing energy over an extended period of time. This gives it a natural advantage over the fast hydrolyzing white sugar. Jaggery, with richness of iron and other minerals, comes with many more benefits; it facilitates digestion after a heavy meal or after eating meat.